We re-write all PDFs we have made ... past years.
We restart the Individual Legal Frame from ICT reality:
Internet of Bodies will kill all Humans & Nature.
100% Spy Uploadcable... turns all Politics - Business - News - Education - Hardware - Software into DARKWEB.
Something goes wrong in Today's Earth Management:
- Country-managements continue the Murder-attacks on Mankind.
- They try to make Young Generation 'work for them'... with Biohacking Human Body.
We turn all the Knowledge the Young need, into a Library design.
I will teach you HOW to think - communicate - write letter for Legal Self-defence.
All in ZEN-economy Healing Economy.
Internet of Nano Bodies will make you ill / kill you.
Do not play games anymore on Computer.
Do not listen to music on Computer.
Do not be on Social Media for 'funny talks'.
Best thing you can do is open your Own Blogger Blog;
or... write on Link naar 'https://particleus.blogspot.com'
5 july 2024:
We create a Communication Corridor for MyBillionKids.
Young Generation needs to communicate on Own Platform,
so their brain will not be polluted by Seniors
who have them killed with HAARP - Internet of Bodies - AI - Health- Food -
Wrong Education - Lawless Slave Lifestyles.
Website = Courtfile + Recovery Individual Justice under AI - HAARP - IoB genocide by governments .
I started ICC lawsuit against all UN Presidents - Ambassadors in 2017
= turning ICC into HQ for Massmurder
= Missing my Body - Family - Private life for Political Worldwar.
Each Elite person must pay me 1 Million Euro Damage.
Telefoonnummer: Police tap on Phone
E-mailadres: botanicaland1 @ gmail . com
Adres: Donkerelaan 39. 2061 jk Bloemendaal-NH