We build a new Communication System, in Evolution on Earth, in Space.
We are not a New Political party; not a Business or NGO. We are a School, in Temple Particle Cloud. Afterlife-proof. EQ for Makers of Universe.
We build a new Communication System, in Evolution on Earth, in Space.
We are not a New Political party; not a Business or NGO. We are a School, in Temple Particle Cloud. Afterlife-proof. EQ for Makers of Universe.
Contact: particleus-media-school.blogspot.com
Hoeveel ID heeft de OVERHEID - Zakenwereld van je, in welke Crypto Eigenaren Contracten?
Mens heeft vele Verborgen IDs voor het Crypto-zakenleven:
Stay away from Twitter / XAI.
You will be pushed into DARKWEB system where you lose all you Own. Crypto = Ponzi Scheme. Only a few persons will benefit; the rest goes bankrupt.
United NATIONS = DARKWEB that will push you into crime... , together with @ElonMusk and @Whitehouse Crypto.
WAR between Tech-giants
Microsoft wants to Own all Copyrights on Earth, thus all Humans and Systems are Slave / Warvictim under International Criminal Court / UN system. DARKWEB really determines 'where the Copyrights rule', fat out of sight.
Google wants to be in Charge over Marketing; in the Private file / Medical file of all HUmans on planet Earth. Part of the Internet disappears out of the Browser. TEXT has no rocksteady value , anymore. Robot determines 'what a Human must see - write - send - receive - handle'.
All on the ICC - UN DARKWEB.
XAI / ElonMusk wants to be in controle over all Finance systems, with GROK. A Low-intelligent Robot , wants to determine 'what is Good for a Human in War''. XAI ignores all Constitution & Robot Laws; works with its Own Code.
DARKWEB - Human killer.
X media damages the Human brain; no legal solutions to problems present.
Today's media is of lower quality, than the Newspaper was 100 years ago.
Country-management is about a Person with an Image in the brain of fellow human.
Its not about the way the Nation is managed... and Courts of Law are constructed and maintained for the People.
Robot XAI is a Sexcrime maker and will Slave / Kill all children on Earth.
Whitehouse - ElonMusk - Spacex / Starlink Server do not work with Constitution USA - UN Charter - Torture Treaty - Humanright treaties - Economical treaties.
They ignore the International Criminal Court lawsuit against Kingdom NL and all UN presidents. By ignoring Spacecourtplanet Courtfile, they prove to be Terrorists.
Torture treaty forces them to make sure that UN and ICC function for Individual Rights.
FBI recognized the Win all Lawsuits procedure; knows that USA Country-management is legally weak. Ever Clever Individual - from all over the World - can start a Lawsuit for Damage he / she experiences, due to fact that all Legal obligations are ignored.
Now the Whitehouse presents itself as Bully, the FBI is Legally obliged to start Win all Lawsuits procedure against Trump - Musk ... and all others who ignore the ICC lawsuit OTP 407/07.
In each Nano-second and all Texts or Spoken words.
Thing is, that when you talk about Sexcrime, but you prove to be a Terrorist yourself ( keep yourself above the law in Misconduct) ... you support the Criminals. XAI is a Robot , that works for the Take over of the United Nations.
Not to bring Individual Justice to all Humans - Nations - Business - Homes - Nature, but to be in Control over all on EVERY Computer on Earth.
This Public Criminal Paradise, will run on Crypto Finance. A hidden world, out of control. Especially, when all managers do function on the same platform as Sexcriminals do.
Musk & Co want to make all Courts of Law disappear from Earth. Robot must do the work of the Judge. Lawyers / Judges become Advisors to Robot, which works with www. IEEE.org Biohacking via IT punishments.
XAI Bureaucracy is a Ponzi Scheme on DARKWEB. Crupto Raker. All Private numbers of Humans arrive in Criminal world, where Out of Control people ...conduct crimes. All kinds of crime,
ID - Taxnumbers - Compagny topsecrets ++
Telefoonnummer: Police tap on Phone
E-mailadres: botanicaland1 @ gmail . com
Adres: Donkerelaan 39. 2061 jk Bloemendaal-NH