Psychose Werkgroep

Individual Survival during Psychose removal
For the Selfcleaning, you relax and think of all the Behavior - coming from your Deepself - which you don't need.
What is the Timeline you are on; which Goal for Lifedo you want to complete... for which comfort feeling?
Which Thinking and Behavioral pattern do you need fot that type of Victory?
Which phantasy - in erruption - do you need; from yourself and the Humans behind the door of Your Human body?
Get yourself a Weekplanner; categorize your Deepself and build the Person you need to be for your Goals for Life. EQ x IQ in notebook, written down with pen / pencil.
At the door of your Individual Body, you need to be in Evolution of being Strict.
You are cleaning out your personal DNA warehouse ; inventory day.
You put STUFF in new packages / sacks / iceblocks / suitcases / trainwagons / trucks / rockets. Make them Clean Energy in moveable design.
It can be 'that you have Many Things on your Breakfast table .... or in your sleep.
Love it!
Do not panic. You are forced to change your Routine. Evolution. Move from Meridian 1 to Meridian 2. Universe observes you... and when you can hear it; they wisper Sweet Nothings.
Feel your DNA warehouse.
EQ-framing makes it possible to be a Better Future Predictor.
Make sure you train yourself for 'View to Kill'.
You obtain so much EQ -knowledge about your Deepself... that you can TALK with yourself about Evolution of Intelligence ... for Evolution of Wisdom. For Gods approval. YOu want Spaceforces to make you Rocksolid.
Hard as Diamond, when you have to be.

Freepik vector : we all need Routine.
Make sure you have 1 Routine, you can start ... while you are Cleaning your DNA warehouse.
Small healthy breakfast ; clean your house ; read 1 specific book ; sports ; craftwork.
When you feel that 5 Psychotic persons are talking to you in the same nanosecond... you need to Start your Routine... to anchor your Body on Today's Calendar. For this hour.
Do never neglect your Survival Psychose Routine. Its a System Builder.

Freepik vector
Het Ministerie van Justitie is 100% Psychotisch.
Het Volk op NL Grondgebied weigert hierover te praten, omdat zij 'zaken willen doen met Politici / Politieke partijen die mensen folteren en doden'.
Voor Snel geld.
Juridische Realiteit is dat sinds Juni2014 - de Internationaal Strafhof rechtszaak tegen Koning WA - het Juridisch systeem formeel niet meer bestaat.
Het VN Handvest en Folterverdrag worden niet uitgevoerd door Landsbestuur Rijksoverheid - Rechtspraak Binnenlandsbestuur. Bankenwereld. Dit beteken dat het NL volk 'tolereert dat zij in een Straf & Boete systeem leven en werken, terwijl dit niet Rechtsgeldig is'.
Mensen betalen Boetes , die zij niet hoeven te betalen , nu Koninkrijk der Nederlanden een Dictatuur is. Een Tiran kan geen Wetten ondertekenen; die zijn Vernietigbaar.

sourse: thekurzwelllibrary 2012