RepublicNL for Survival of Children under Robot.
The International Criminal Court refuse to acknowledge the 100% Spy Uploadcable by NSAgov. Meaning: ICC - Microsoft do not want to protect their Systems against DARKWEB crime on WIFI. All ICC personnel want to be killed by Robot from DARKWEB, with HQ the UN.
Taal armoede in Nederland.
NL volk weet niet meer HOE zij Taal kunnen benutten voor het Regelen van Zaken... in Goedlopende Samenleving.
Er is geen Liefde voor Communicatie.
Woorden - Zinnen - Gedrag kunnen Grote problemen 'klein houden'. Rotsvaste kwaliteit van Leven waarborgen.
Japans bestaat uit 3 Robots: Kanji - Katakana - Hiragana. Talen die ook nog eens veel-omvattend zijn in dagelijks gebruik. Buitenlanders 'hebben Tijd nodig om de Japanse Taal te leren kennen'.
Dus hebben zij 'automatisch ook meer privacy van gedachten - werk - leven'.
AIZAWA Manga is on Earth as :
Cover for genocide on DesireeStokkel, with OTP0407/07 courtcase file at International Criminal Court.
Money-makers system from UN - ICC - EU - Entertainment - Education - IT world... with AI / Robots. These AI are in poor condition and can easily make Humans ill or kill them by APP.
Communications-system for WO3
= Manga publishers make billions of euro's out of the Observation of DesireeStokkel and the way she fights to keep the Young People alive.
= Making money out of Communication / Fake Security... while enjoying to Torture / Kill the Young people on Earth, Intergalaxy,
Making sure that DesireeStokkel can not stop WO3 and/ or Recover the Individual Rights position for Mankind on this planet.
The RoyalFamily UK: Harry or William can not be King. Charles, you have made the blunder of your Life. Assumed that all your Cambrigde English speeches 'would save the Day... for the End of Hel'. It won't; they have created Unusable Offspring.
All Manipulations for UN Genocide have resulted in 2 Men , who are both incapable for StopWO3 IoNB 5G / 6G satellite murder.
Harry has run away with Phantasy woman, who put him on Party/ Sexindustry LA robot. He has himself led to this location. Kids are to be eaten by UN Robots = they turn insane - ill - die.
William is a Landlord, but a lying one. He cares for his Lazy Lifestyle, thus he manipulates UN Warmakers in a way 'that he can stay Lazy... and doesn't need to do Dirty EQ x IQ job for Stop WO3 satellite genocide. He kills his own children, too'.
Who cleans up all Manipulations in RF?
Who is Fit to be King / Queen for Legal Health for Survival Murder by 100% Spy Upload cable?
Spacekrachten vinden dat DesireeStokkel zich gedraagt als een Witte Hermelijn.
Telefoonnummer: Police tap on Phone
E-mailadres: botanicaland1 @ gmail . com
Adres: Donkerelaan 39. 2061 jk Bloemendaal-NH