SpaceCourt is an Intergalaxy Court of Law.

Managed by Young Generation, who must constantly fight against Warcrimes & Depopulation on their Human body. Individual Rights for People at Home.

We are not an officially registered NGO.

Spacecourtplanet is in the first place a Courtcase against NL - UN presidents at Internatational Criminal Court. Which - in co work with Microsoft AI - will kill all Humans by High Energy Weapon.

Parliaments don't talk about this; they want to rule.
They are killing eachother ... and don't want to stop doing so.


freepik vector


We work with a different system.

No corruption possible.
I - Desiree - live of a Social Security payment in Bloemendaal NH , the Netherlands.
Have no Rights, but somebody does pay me every month.

I may receive 1200 euro for Myself , as gift. annually.
On condition that I report all Gifts I receive, on the Monthly form , I must submit... in order to get the Income.
On top of that, I must submit a Taxform.
I can process all the Money, I receive as Gift.
Don't need to be an Official Legal Body with an Office or a Chamber of Commerce registrationnumber.