5 july 2024:
We create a Communication Corridor for MyBillionKids.
Young Generation needs to communicate on Own Platform,
so their brain will not be polluted by Seniors
who have them killed with HAARP - Internet of Bodies - AI - Health- Food -
Wrong Education - Lawless Slave Lifestyles.
Website = Courtfile + Recovery Individual Justice under AI - HAARP - IoB genocide by governments .
I started ICC lawsuit against all UN Presidents - Ambassadors in 2017
= turning ICC into HQ for Massmurder
= Missing my Body - Family - Private life for Political Worldwar.
https://rechtenpittwitter .blogspot.com/2023/04/blog-page-for-mybillionkids.html
build your own website
start with Template, but do change lay-out
give site pages a Name you Like; readers will understand
= you outsmart AI
Telefoonnummer: Police tap on Phone
E-mailadres: fbi-politie-stokkel @ samsem . org
Adres: Donkerelaan 39. 2061 jk Bloemendaal-NH