Which role has Love to Play?

Did you ever think about this?
I mean, sit down and contemplate the impact of Particle Love in your full Being?
In all its Prisma-walls?

Where do you Sparkle?
When do you fall Silent?
What if Stuborness or Stupidity take over controle?

Can you still Love the All of Us Expedition of Life?
Are you strong enough to Mixfix the EQ x IQ, in ongoing mode?
Is your Full DNA package in Bigbang Evolution?

Whats left of you , when you take Love for granted?

You swirl into a Tornado... particles need to avoid for their Individual well being.
You damage with recklessness.., what demolishes the Overall quality of Life.
You lose Listening-skills... while Spaceguides / Elements wait for your Growth.

How can you FREE yourself from all the captivity?
Where and when to change the Rested Routine?
Can you Recognize the Refreshment for the Soul...in Universal Glossarium?

Can you still be a Good Human fellow... to me,

or have I ...lost you to Long Meridians?

Do you know, that when you Fail your 1 Persons Toko Expedition for Love...
you arrive on Longer Meridians... for Harder Lessons?

Do you know 'that only you Can fix the Chemics for Love, for Evolution of Refinement?
Do you know' 'that Life is an Hourglass, with an inbuilt intuitive Timeline'?

Do you know that 'I Love you' only means :

'your Particles do me Well... and I give you my Evolution ?



Fujitsu & Desiree Stokkel

try to Design an AI

for Spacecourtplanet Young

= keep group together.

Lightflow thinking.


  1. botanicaland1 @ gmail . com
  2. blog


I will stay on gmail, with you.

But will never use my Spacecourtplanet Webmail for X AI again.


Your Individual Particle Cloud has a Larger Group working for you from Space.


Deze website is:

Dossier van Internationaal Strafhof rechtszaak tegen NL en EU politici / VN presidenten . Poging tot Moord op DesireeStokkel gezin uit Bloemendaal.

Uitgevoerd door Hogeraad - MinBZK - Justitie - Tweedekamer - Eerstekamer Politieke partijen.

meer.... DesireeStokkel ICC courtfile NL AI

This website is Evidence of Massmurder conducted by International Criminal Court personnel... in all UN political Business systems.

Brains of persons working at ICC, operate in Evolution of Sadism.

On this website, you learn to defend yourself against attacks from your Contry-management & Courts of Law on your Human body.

International Criminal Court - International Court of Justice - Europol are located in NL.

Where they are Worst Criminals Ever and are being taken Hostage in a more Violent / Criminal ICT world... than UScourts is in America.

The Country with the Best Functioning Robot Law... has the strongest Legal Frame on Earth.

Now Kingdom NL = managed by Childkillers, the NL ICT world is Worst Criminal... what results in a Flow of Lawsuits .. against Damage caused by Owners of ICT. Internationally.

This Flow can be prevented, when each Nation operates on its Own ICT systems... disconnected from Supercomputers .... as much as possible.

Legal Fact that Kingdom Netherlands - and other EU / UN nations - refuse to Recgonize this USA California Robot Legislation, results in FACT that Hardware / Software must be manufactured and used on National Territory only.

Legal Civilization differs per Country.

Foreign countries can start Lawsuits against Hardware / Software businesses 'everywhere on Earth'. But, only when you work with your Own National System... a National Economy is protected against Needless Lawsuits from abroad.

